Aria (1987)

Date 22.03.2017
Type Movies
Genre Comedy, Drama, Music
Regisseur Robert Altman, Bruce Beresford, Bill Bryden, Jean-Luc Godard, Derek Jarman, Franc Roddam, Nicolas Roeg, Ken Russell, Charles Sturridge, Julien Temple
Autor Robert Altman (segment), Bruce Beresford (segment), Don Boyd (segment), Bill Bryden (segment), Derek Jarman (segment), Franc Roddam (segment), Nicolas Roeg (segment), Ken Russell (segment), Charles Sturridge (segment), Julien Temple (segment)
Actors Theresa Russell, Stephanie Lane, Roy Hyatt, Sevilla Delofski
Rating 5.8/10
Rated R/10
Land UK
Erscheinungsdatum 27.05.1987


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Release Type Seeder / Leecher Size
Aria @ 22.03.17 by RedBlade
English 3 / 20 1177 MB
Aria @ 22.03.17 by RedBlade
English 265 / 86 5595 MB
Aria @ 22.03.17 by RedBlade
English 93 / 449 8954 MB