Howling IV - The Original Nightmare (1988)

Date 25.04.2019
Type Movies
Genre Horror
Regisseur John Hough, Clive Turner
Autor Gary Brandner (novels), Clive Turner (story), Clive Turner (screenplay), Freddie Rowe (screenplay)
Actors Romy Windsor, Michael T. Weiss, Antony Hamilton, Susanne Severeid
Rating 3.5/10
Rated R/10
Land UK, USA
Erscheinungsdatum 01.11.1988


Howling IV: The Original Nightmare ist ein Werwolf-Film aus dem Jahr 1988 von John Hough mit Romy Windsor, Michael T. Weiss und Antony Hamilton.


Release Type Seeder / Leecher Size
Howling IV - The Original Nightmare @ 26.11.24 by RobertDeNiro
Hd-1080p 129 / 328 3770 MB
Howling IV - The Original Nightmare @ 25.06.23 by MAMA
Hd-1080p 235 / 17 13722 MB
Howling IV - The Original Nightmare @ 21.04.19 by ASSOCiATE - Sprache: Englisch
Movies 399 / 307 935 MB