Castle Freak (1995)

Date 04.09.2023
Type Movies
Genre Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Regisseur Stuart Gordon
Autor Stuart Gordon (story), H.P. Lovecraft (story "The Outsider"), Dennis Paoli (screenplay), Dennis Paoli (story)
Actors Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, Jonathan Fuller, Jessica Dollarhide
Rating 6.0/10
Rated R/10
Land USA
Erscheinungsdatum 14.11.1995


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Release Type Seeder / Leecher Size
Castle Freak @ 01.03.25 by Cancer58
Hd-1080p 198 / 210 1780 MB
Castle Freak @ 04.09.23 by 4thePpl
Hd-1080p 420 / 47 26657 MB